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Found 12 items related to »Sioux«. Displaying items 1 to 10.

Standing Rock Sioux Chairman: Dakota Access Pipeline 'Is Threatening the Lives of My Tribe'
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!: In North Dakota, Indigenous activists from dozens of different tribes are protesting a proposed pipeline, which they say would threaten to contaminate the Missouri River. The... ...
sandil - 23. Aug, 20:51

Police Shoot and Kill Mentally Ill Native American Man
s.e. smith, Care2: Earlier this month, Denver police shot and killed Paul Castaway, a Lakota Sioux man living with mental illness. His case illustrates two issues that are flying under the radar: that... ...
sandil - 30. Jul, 07:30

Lakota Sioux Tribe Invokes "Bad Men" Treaty Clause Over Keystone Pipeline
Emerson Urry, EnviroNews: The Lower Brule Lakota Sioux Tribe of South Dakota invoked a clause from the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, wherein the US government agreed to "proceed at once to cause the offender... ...
sandil - 10. May, 21:29

Suicide on the Great Sioux Nation
Jason Coppola, Truthout: A suicide state of emergency has been declared on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The Lakota Nation is coming together to deal with historical trauma, and find strength and hope... ...
sandil - 27. Apr, 04:53

Sioux Nation Races to Buy Back Sacred Lands
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2012/10/08-9 C olumbus Day: No Cause for Celebration http://www.com mondreams.org/view/2012/10 /08-3 http://warpath.tw oday.net/search?q=Sioux ht tp://warpath.twoday.net/se arch?q=Lakota ...
sandil - 9. Oct, 05:12

Lakota: The Revitalization of Language and the Persistence of Spirit
Jason Coppola, Truthout: New programs to teach and restore the lost language and cultural heritage of the Lakota Sioux offers hope for the children who live on reservations where dire poverty, suicide,... ...
sandil - 8. Oct, 21:34

Lakota Sioux Nation Leaves America
By Stephen Lendman Western civilization destroyed their way of life. There s nothing civilized about it. http://www.informatio nclearinghouse.info/articl e32607.htm ...
sandil - 2. Oct, 13:20

Sioux Spiritual Leader Speaks Out on Land Sale at Sacred Site
Jason Coppola, Truthout: The sacred lands of the Lakota are up for sale, again. A grassroots effort led by the Oceti Sakowin, or Great Sioux Nation, is underway to get them back. On August 25 at 10 AM,... ...
sandil - 21. Aug, 21:31

Why the American Indian needs to leave the United States, forever
Zero Gov by Bill Buppert 04/09/12 Russell Means told the Federal government the Lakota Sioux were going to secede and we are still waiting. The American Indians are ideally positioned to break away from... ...
sandil - 11. Apr, 08:31

Touching the earth: getting grounded, centered
It was good for the skin to touch the earth, and the old people liked to remove their moccasins and walk with bare feet on the sacred earth... The soil was soothing, strengthening, cleansing, and healing."... ...
sandil - 3. Aug, 08:07


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US Bill Seeks First Native...
Two U.S. congress people will propose in the coming...
sandil - 20. Sep, 21:30
Dakota Access Pipeline...
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!: On Saturday in North Dakota,...
sandil - 6. Sep, 21:42
Standing Rock Sioux Chairman:...
Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!: In North Dakota, Indigenous...
sandil - 23. Aug, 20:51
Corporate Conquistadors...
Pamela D. Palmater, teleSUR: For decades, the primary...
sandil - 23. Aug, 05:09
Native Americans Were...
Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, History News Network: The form...
sandil - 4. Jun, 21:16




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