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Found 20 items related to »Lakota«. Displaying items 1 to 10.

Police Shoot and Kill Mentally Ill Native American Man
s.e. smith, Care2: Earlier this month, Denver police shot and killed Paul Castaway, a Lakota Sioux man living with mental illness. His case illustrates two issues that are flying under the radar: that... ...
sandil - 30. Jul, 07:30

Lakota Sioux Tribe Invokes "Bad Men" Treaty Clause Over Keystone Pipeline
Emerson Urry, EnviroNews: The Lower Brule Lakota Sioux Tribe of South Dakota invoked a clause from the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1868, wherein the US government agreed to "proceed at once to cause the offender... ...
sandil - 10. May, 21:29

Suicide on the Great Sioux Nation
Jason Coppola, Truthout: A suicide state of emergency has been declared on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The Lakota Nation is coming together to deal with historical trauma, and find strength and hope... ...
sandil - 27. Apr, 04:53

Free the Lakota Children
https://groups.google.com/ forum/?hl=de#!topic/warpat h/g0v1q6QonRk https://wa rpath.twoday.net/search?q= Lakota ...
sandil - 4. Feb, 09:42

Ugly Remnant of How U.S. Decimated Indian Culture
By William Least Heat-Moon An Oglala Lakota once memorably said to me, *They take our land, they take our hunting and then they force us to work for food that made us sick.* http://www.informa tionclearinghouse.info/art icle37365.htm https://wa rpath.twoday.net/search?q= Oglala http://warpath.twod ay.net/search?q=Lakota ...
sandil - 14. Jan, 08:51

Lakota Women Lead Fight Against 'Liquid Genocide'
The small, un-incorporated town sits on the outskirts of the dry Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Despite a population of only 14 people, it has four different liquor stores that sell about 12,500 cans of... ...
sandil - 18. Aug, 06:24

Lakota Women Lead Fight Against 'Liquid Genocide'
The small, un-incorporated town sits on the outskirts of the dry Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Despite a population of only 14 people, it has four different liquor stores that sell about 12,500 cans of... ...
sandil - 18. Aug, 06:22

''Going Extinct Is Genocide'': Lakota Elders Tour to Raise Awareness About Struggle
Victoria Law, Truthout: Lakota elders, activists and nonindigenous supporters marched to the United Nations April 9 to present a petition about the ongoing abuses against their people as part of a 13-city... ...
sandil - 23. Apr, 08:56

Sioux Nation Races to Buy Back Sacred Lands
http://www.commondreams.or g/headline/2012/10/08-9 C olumbus Day: No Cause for Celebration http://www.com mondreams.org/view/2012/10 /08-3 http://warpath.tw oday.net/search?q=Sioux ht tp://warpath.twoday.net/se arch?q=Lakota ...
sandil - 9. Oct, 05:12

Lakota: The Revitalization of Language and the Persistence of Spirit
Jason Coppola, Truthout: New programs to teach and restore the lost language and cultural heritage of the Lakota Sioux offers hope for the children who live on reservations where dire poverty, suicide,... ...
sandil - 8. Oct, 21:34


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