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Found 23 items related to »indigenous«. Displaying items 11 to 20.

Native American Tribes Seek Help From UN, World Court
Bethania Palma Markus, Truthout: A group of indigenous peoples from the US and Canada joined in a 'Unity Ride' to the UN to plead for their sacred sites and their way of life against ongoing environmental... ...
sandil - 19. Sep, 08:10

''Going Extinct Is Genocide'': Lakota Elders Tour to Raise Awareness About Struggle
Victoria Law, Truthout: Lakota elders, activists and nonindigenous supporters marched to the United Nations April 9 to present a petition about the ongoing abuses against their people as part of a 13-city... ...
sandil - 23. Apr, 08:56

Idle No More
Video ''We are not going to be silenced, no more!'' ''Idle No More'' is a worldwide indigenous movement started by the First Nation Tribes of Canada as a way to help protect the Constitutional Treaty... ...
sandil - 8. Jan, 08:46

The Deep Wound of Wounded Knee
By Johnny Barber December 29th marks the 122nd anniversary of the Massacre at Wounded Knee. It is a story that remains fresh in the lives of many indigenous peoples across America. Each generation is... ...
sandil - 30. Dec, 04:58

Hatuey: The First American Freedom Fighter
By William Loren Katz This February 2nd stands as the 500th anniversary of the death of Hatuey, an Indigenous American fighter for independence from colonialism not mentioned in the same breath as Patrick... ...
sandil - 2. Feb, 07:31

Lakota Tribes 'Refuse to Cooperate' With Tar Sands Proponents
Jason Coppola, Truthout: 'As people gather to protest the greed and corruption of Wall Street in downtown Manhattan and throughout the world, the territories of indigenous peoples and nations have been... ...
sandil - 3. Nov, 05:12

Christian 'Doctrine' Fueled Dehumanization
By Valerie Taliman A groundbreaking report examining the roots of Christian domination over indigenous peoples and their lands was released this week at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous... ...
sandil - 5. May, 08:38

Stop the U.S. Energy Industry's War on Native Peoples and Lands
Indigenous Activists March on U.S. Embassy in Copenhagen Urging Obama to "Stop the U.S. Energy Industry's War on Native Peoples and Lands". http://www.common dreams.org/video/2009/12/1 0-1 ...
sandil - 11. Dec, 09:17

Breaking the Bonds of People and Land: Native American Removal in the United States and Mexico
Video Lecture In both the Delawares and Yaquis examples, greed and land hunger on the part of the U.S. and Mexican governments appears to have been the main reasons for the forced migration of these indigenous... ...
sandil - 5. May, 22:27

Indigenous leaders meet to cleanse Earth
http://groups.google.com/g roup/warpath/t/917ac35e0c2 4db87?hl=de ...
sandil - 13. Mar, 08:38


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Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, History News Network: The form...
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